It is ESSENTIAL to have a builder with the proper qualifications look over the property, but good to have your own pre-inspection beforehand, you may change your view of a property just by taking a close look at these points listed below…


Is the house insulated? Fully or partially?

Is there a home ventilation unit? (such as an HRV)

How is the home heated? Are they in good working order – fireplace, heatpump etc.

Ask about the natural light situation, is there sufficient light? Are there trees blocking sun etc

Is there any visible mould inside wardrobes, cupboards or bathrooms? (Don’t forget to look up at the ceiling)

Any visible leaks,  water stains, cracks or unusual bulges on the walls? Check the windows and doors, if they stick or that they close correctly – are there any signs of dampness around the windows or condensation on the windowsills? Also signs of rust around the windows if there are metal flashings over windows and doors.

While walking through the house listen for squeaks in the floorboards, feel the carpet for feeling/smells of dampness.

Ask about floods, is the property likely to flood with heavy rain – has it flooded before?

Stand quietly and listen to the surroundings, road noise etc to make sure noise control is adequate, to some people these things quite often only become apparent after you move in.

Check the hot water cylinder – age and if they are securely fastened. Check water pressure and take a look under sinks for dripping pipes. Is the toilet and cistern in good condition?

If the property uses gas, check the gas pipes are working correctly.


Any rust on the roof, cracked tiles?

Have a look under the house if possible and take a look at the piles – are there any missing piles or ones that aren’t supporting the house? Any signs of rot?

Fences – is it fully fenced and in good condition?

Does the property flood or have low points where water pools up? Feel the grass and make sure it’s not too swampy/muddy.


Trees – What trees are there on the property, any with protection orders, native trees or trees encroaching from the neighbours side.

Building consents for everything that has been done?

How much are rates?

Is there a LIM report available?

If you are then satisfied that you know all you can about the property from your visit, then go ahead and get the professional building inspector booked in so they can go over everything in closer detail and address any concerns that you may have picked up on your walk through. Make sure to hire someone with the required expertise to do so, if you are serious about buying the property it is a necessary investment for both peace of mind and to know exactly what you’re buying.